工作內容: 本公司長期合作,聯合航空、中華航空兩家公司,執行飛美航班二次安檢之工作如下: 1. 航班餐點安檢 2. 監視飛機客艙清潔 3. 監視餐點上下作業 4. 監視客、貨艙上下作業 5. 停機坪戒護 6. 承包商人員安檢與證件查驗 7. 出境櫃台旅客詢核與服務 8. 登機門旅客詢核與服務 9. 旅客護照文件查驗 10. 空橋戒護 11. 爆裂物偵測儀操作 12. 須配合飛美航班出境與入境之作業時間配合上班,每年區分夏令與冬令時間。 13.須配合航空公司每月航班預報支援各飛美航班安檢勤務。 As we have a long-term cooperate relationship with United Airlines & China Airlines, we are in charge with secondary security check on every American flight from Taiwan to United States. The responsibilities are: 1. Flight meal security search 2. Cabin Cleaning observation 3. Flight meal upload & offload observation 4. Cargo upload & offload observation 5. Ramp guarding 6. Vendor security check & ID verification 7. Check-in counter passenger interviewing and service 8. Boarding Gate passenger interviewing and service 9. Passenger passport & document inspection 10. Sterile guarding 11. Explosives trace detector operation 12. Be flexible with outbound & inbound flight relate to United States which have daylight saving time and Standard time. 13. Be flexible with Airlines forecast report.