此職務需求用於桃園機場第三航站土建工程 (Samsung C&T Corporation-榮工工程股份有限公司 JV) 1. Perform structural analysis & design calculations of steel and concrete structure. 鋼構及混凝土之結構分析與設計計算。 2. Preparing design report & sketches for approval of consultant and client. 提供設計報告及草稿審核。 3. Preparing engineering sketches and reviewing shop detail drawing to meet all relevant codes, standards and specifications. 確保結構圖面皆滿足相關規範及標準。 4. Review and check subcontractor structural design calculation, design report and shop & fabrication drawings. 審查承包商之結構設計、報告、圖面等。 5. Review and design temporary structures. 設計與審查臨時結構。