- 公司網址https://cycraft.com/zh-hant/
- 公司位置
- 產業類別
奧義智慧科技 (CyCraft Technology) 是國際頂尖的 AI 資安科技公司,研發以鑑識為核心的高品質 AI 威脅調查平台,並自動化駭侵事件的偵測、通報及回應,提供具攻擊脈絡的案情時序圖,協助企業徹底掌握網路場域態勢,強化資安韌性。
奧義智慧成立於 2017 年,總部位於臺灣,在日本、新加坡均設有分公司,並獲得全球頂級創投公司之投資,包括新加坡主權基金淡馬錫旗下的 Pavilion Capital 等。奧義智慧目前正處於獨角獸規模的高速成長之中,為亞太地區的大型企業客戶,如金融服務業、高科技製造業及政府機構等提供服務。
由資安專家所組成的奧義智慧團隊,具有多年實際參與跨國資安事件調查之經驗,並受 Gartner、IDC 等世界級權威機構認可,選為 AI 資安報告之代表性案例企業,並曾多次斬獲海內外大獎肯定。
奧義智慧成立於 2017 年,總部位於臺灣,在日本、新加坡均設有分公司,並獲得全球頂級創投公司之投資,包括新加坡主權基金淡馬錫旗下的 Pavilion Capital 等。奧義智慧目前正處於獨角獸規模的高速成長之中,為亞太地區的大型企業客戶,如金融服務業、高科技製造業及政府機構等提供服務。
由資安專家所組成的奧義智慧團隊,具有多年實際參與跨國資安事件調查之經驗,並受 Gartner、IDC 等世界級權威機構認可,選為 AI 資安報告之代表性案例企業,並曾多次斬獲海內外大獎肯定。
△ 端點偵測與回應機制-EDR/MDR
△ 威脅情資調查分析平台 (CyberTotal)
△ 網路威脅情資閘道 (ThreatWall)
△ 企業曝險訂閱服務 (RiskINT)
△ AD攻擊路徑模擬評估服務
△ 企業資安健檢服務-端點型
△ 企業資安健檢服務-網路型
△ 事件調查(鑑識)緊急應變服務-IR
△ AD攻擊路徑模擬評估服務
△ 企業曝險調查服務
△ AD Attack Path Assessment-AD攻擊路徑模擬評估服務
△ AI數位航母:行動版事件調查與鑑識
△ ARTHAS電腦資安鑑識與稽核系統
△ 電商用戶端點防毒防駭專案
△ 反詐騙與偽冒網站監控服務
△ 紅藍隊演練服務
△ 端點偵測與回應機制-EDR/MDR
△ 威脅情資調查分析平台 (CyberTotal)
△ 網路威脅情資閘道 (ThreatWall)
△ 企業曝險訂閱服務 (RiskINT)
△ AD攻擊路徑模擬評估服務
△ 企業資安健檢服務-端點型
△ 企業資安健檢服務-網路型
△ 事件調查(鑑識)緊急應變服務-IR
△ AD攻擊路徑模擬評估服務
△ 企業曝險調查服務
△ AD Attack Path Assessment-AD攻擊路徑模擬評估服務
△ AI數位航母:行動版事件調查與鑑識
△ ARTHAS電腦資安鑑識與稽核系統
△ 電商用戶端點防毒防駭專案
△ 反詐騙與偽冒網站監控服務
△ 紅藍隊演練服務
| 發展與教育訓練 |
● 重視成長與專業訓練,頂尖專家技術分享
● 提供教育訓練,與國內外最新技術研討會
● 跨國專家團隊合作,學習國際的工作文化
● 鼓勵交流分享,定期舉辦技術新知分享會
| 工作與生活的彈性 |
● 強調自律與自主管理,享有彈性工作時間
● 工作與生活平衡,優於法令的特休假制度
● 身體不適可放心休憩,每年十天全薪病假
● 旅遊補助,工作之餘也要充電補給身心靈
| 員工福利 |
● 多項禮金祝福,生日、年節、婚喪禮金
● 全方位的守護,年度健康檢查及團體保險
● 多方面的關懷,提供運動補助、交通津貼
● 團隊情感連繫,員工聚餐補助、團隊建立
● 合作按摩師駐點服務,上班也能舒壓放鬆
| 工作環境 |
● 提供寬敞、舒適與開放的上班與學習空間
● 免費咖啡、水果、零食、點心、下午茶等
● 重視成長與專業訓練,頂尖專家技術分享
● 提供教育訓練,與國內外最新技術研討會
● 跨國專家團隊合作,學習國際的工作文化
● 鼓勵交流分享,定期舉辦技術新知分享會
| 工作與生活的彈性 |
● 強調自律與自主管理,享有彈性工作時間
● 工作與生活平衡,優於法令的特休假制度
● 身體不適可放心休憩,每年十天全薪病假
● 旅遊補助,工作之餘也要充電補給身心靈
| 員工福利 |
● 多項禮金祝福,生日、年節、婚喪禮金
● 全方位的守護,年度健康檢查及團體保險
● 多方面的關懷,提供運動補助、交通津貼
● 團隊情感連繫,員工聚餐補助、團隊建立
● 合作按摩師駐點服務,上班也能舒壓放鬆
| 工作環境 |
● 提供寬敞、舒適與開放的上班與學習空間
● 免費咖啡、水果、零食、點心、下午茶等
共 26 個職缺
03 / 26
The software development team is dedicated to creating reliable, secure, high-performance software products. Our department emphasizes teamwork and continuous learning, and constantly pursues technological innovation and best practices.
【Job Content】
1. Responsible for security products development and meet the established standards of quality including reliability, usability and performance required for distribution and the market.
2. Build efficient back-end features in Python.
3. Improve functionality of existing systems.
4. Co-work with frontend/QA team for better software release cycle.
1. Solid knowledge of python programming.
2. Experience with Restful API development.
3. Experience with Django frameworks and SQL based application.
4. A sense of self-motivation and team work.
03 / 26 | 已被閱覽 100+ 次 | 1~5 人應徵
2 年以上經驗
03 / 26 | 已被閱覽 100+ 次 | 1~5 人應徵
03 / 26
【What You Will Do】
We are seeking proven sales performers to expand our customer base in the Security portfolio within Taiwan. This is a role for someone who is great at both nurturing and growing within install-based accounts and hungry for new business success. You will manage and drive the full sales cycle of deals in your specific territory through direct approach and sell through with distributors. This is a great opportunity for a strong account manager with a proven track record of high value solution selling in a Software-as-a-Service environment. You will contribute to our exponential business growth in a fast-paced, collaborative and fun atmosphere, as a valued member of the CyCraft family.
Ability to manage existing enterprise customers to continuously upsell and cross-sell into those accounts
• Informing CyCraft‘s long-range strategic vision and product roadmap for security, and facilitating the entry of new security technology concepts to market to position CyCraft as the leading thought leader for Cybersecurity with customers, partners, and in importantly with industry analysts
• Maintaining an in-depth knowledge of the cyber security industry, the competitive landscape and related industry developments to ensure we continue to be thought leaders who innovate ahead of the market
• Discovering new technologies that yield competitive advantage as part of the core platform or through technology partnerships
• Providing recommendations for continuous improvement
03 / 26 | 已被閱覽 60+ 次 | 1~5 人應徵
7 年以上經驗
03 / 26 | 已被閱覽 60+ 次 | 1~5 人應徵
03 / 26
The software development team is dedicated to creating reliable, secure, high-performance software products. Our department emphasizes teamwork and continuous learning, and constantly pursues technological innovation and best practices.
【Job Content】
1. Responsible for security products development and meet the established standards of quality including reliability, usability and performance required for distribution and the market.
2. Build efficient back-end features in Python.
3. Improve functionality of existing systems.
4. Co-work with frontend/QA team for better software release cycle.
1. Solid knowledge of python programming.
2. Experience with Restful API development.
3. Experience with Django frameworks and SQL based application.
4. A sense of self-motivation and team work.
03 / 26 | 已被閱覽 60+ 次 | 1~5 人應徵
2 年以上經驗
03 / 26 | 已被閱覽 60+ 次 | 1~5 人應徵
03 / 26
【What You Will Do】
We are seeking proven sales performers to expand our customer base in the Security portfolio within Taiwan. This is a role for someone who is great at both nurturing and growing within install-based accounts and hungry for new business success. You will manage and drive the full sales cycle of deals in your specific territory through direct approach and sell through with distributors. This is a great opportunity for a strong account manager with a proven track record of high value solution selling in a Software-as-a-Service environment. You will contribute to our exponential business growth in a fast-paced, collaborative and fun atmosphere, as a valued member of the CyCraft family.
Ability to manage existing enterprise customers to continuously upsell and cross-sell into those accounts
• Driving new business in existing and new accounts with continuous development of long-term pipeline to increase CyCraft‘s share of wallet
• Establish a professional and trusted relationship with customers and prospects, from the C-level to the Operational level, developing a core understanding of the unique business needs of the customer within their business vertical
• In-depth knowledge of customer‘s business model, organizational structures, business processes and financial structure
• Demonstrate the ability to leverage CyCraft‘s portfolio of products and services to change the playing field against our competition
• Know strengths and weaknesses of key competitors and using this knowledge to your advantage during a sales cycle.
• Work with key business partners in the wider eco-system of distribution and SI to formulate the right plan for the territory
03 / 26 | 已被閱覽 100+ 次 | 1~5 人應徵
4 年以上經驗
03 / 26 | 已被閱覽 100+ 次 | 1~5 人應徵
03 / 26
【What You Will Do】
We are seeking proven sales performers to expand our customer base in the Security portfolio within Taiwan. This is a role for someone who is great at both nurturing and growing within install-based accounts and hungry for new business success. You will manage and drive the full sales cycle of deals in your specific territory through direct approach and sell through with distributors. This is a great opportunity for a strong account manager with a proven track record of high value solution selling in a Software-as-a-Service environment. You will contribute to our exponential business growth in a fast-paced, collaborative and fun atmosphere, as a valued member of the CyCraft family.
Ability to manage existing enterprise customers to continuously upsell and cross-sell into those accounts
• Driving new business in existing and new accounts with continuous development of long-term pipeline to increase CyCraft‘s share of wallet
• Establish a professional and trusted relationship with customers and prospects, from the C-level to the Operational level, developing a core understanding of the unique business needs of the customer within their business vertical
• In-depth knowledge of customer‘s business model, organizational structures, business processes and financial structure
• Demonstrate the ability to leverage CyCraft‘s portfolio of products and services to change the playing field against our competition
• Know strengths and weaknesses of key competitors and using this knowledge to your advantage during a sales cycle.
• Work with key business partners in the wider eco-system of distribution and SI to formulate the right plan for the territory
03 / 26 | 已被閱覽 60+ 次 | 1~5 人應徵
4 年以上經驗
03 / 26 | 已被閱覽 60+ 次 | 1~5 人應徵
CyCraft research team is dedicated to researching next generation cyber security solutions, and tracking up-to-date cyber threats. We are seeking security researchers, who is passionate about cybersecurity, could take regular research projects and not afraid to failure. The main responsibilities of this job would include some of the following tasks:
• Research Skills: Research Skills: Possess the ability to research cloud security, with the capacity to proactively and deeply analyze potential cloud-based threats or defense mechanisms.
• Cloud Security Analysis: Conduct security assessments and attack surface analysis for cloud environments (Azure, AWS, GCP), identifying potential vulnerabilities and threats.
• Cloud Attacks and Vulnerability Reproduction: Reproduce attacks or vulnerabilities on cloud platforms and provide practical solutions to fix them.
• Programming Skills: Proficient in at least one programming language, capable of writing automation scripts and POC programs related to research.
• Cybersecurity Training & Speaking: Excellent written and verbal communication skills, able to convey complex security concepts to a diverse audience.
03 / 26 | 已被閱覽 60+ 次 | 1~5 人應徵
03 / 26 | 已被閱覽 60+ 次 | 1~5 人應徵
03 / 26
【Job Content】
1. Work closely with security experts to improve our new/existing products and to derive more value from data
2. Survey and track state-of-the-art algorithms from top conference or journal papers
3. Implement and experiment new algorithms based on papers to help solve the customer‘s problems
4. Automate, analyse and visualise experiment results to improve the quality of current products.
1. Bachelor or Master degree in CS or EE. Or in Math / Applied Math / Statistics (having experience in data structure and algorithms)
2. Proficiency in Python or Julia or R or C/C++
3. Being able to read and implement latest algorithms from top conference papers
4. Strong self-motivation and good communication to work with colleagues.
Note: You DO NOT need to have cybersecurity knowledge or backgrounds (it‘s a plus if you do)
03 / 26 | 已被閱覽 100+ 次 | 1~5 人應徵
03 / 26 | 已被閱覽 100+ 次 | 1~5 人應徵
03 / 26
【DevOps Engineer Job Description】
We are looking for a passionate DevOps Engineer to build and maintain efficient, reliable software delivery and operations processes.
This role blends DevOps and SRE best practices, allowing you to contribute to the entire lifecycle of development to deployment while ensuring high availability and scalability in production environments.
【Job Content】
- Collaborate with development teams to optimize application performance, stability, and deployment processes.
- Develop and manage infrastructure as code (IaC) using tools such as Terraform, Ansible, or CloudFormation.
- Design and maintain CI/CD pipelines to enable automated builds, testing, and deployments.
- Set up and maintain application and system monitoring and alerting using tools such as Prometheus, Grafana.
【Required Qualifications】
- Proficiency in at least one scripting language (e.g., Python, Bash, or Go).
- Proficiency in DevOps tools such as Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD.
- Hands-on experience with container technologies (e.g., Docker)
- Experience with cloud platforms (AWS, GCP, or Azure) and related services.
- Linux system administration skills, including performance tuning and troubleshooting.
- Knowledge of monitoring systems and tools like the ELK stack, Prometheus, or Grafana.
03 / 26 | 已被閱覽 100+ 次 | 1~5 人應徵
3 年以上經驗
03 / 26 | 已被閱覽 100+ 次 | 1~5 人應徵
03 / 26
Our team has extensive experience in web development and design. We are committed to providing user-friendly and high-performance to ensure that our products fully meet the needs of our users. Our department emphasizes teamwork and continuous learning, and constantly pursues technological innovation and best practices.
【Job Content】
• Design fancy frontend/UI based on UX specifications
• Optimize applications for maximum speed
• Collaborate with back-end developers and web designers to improve usability and deliver security product to global market
• Maintain and improve website
• Create quality mockups and prototypes
• Stay up to date on emerging technologies
• At least three years’ experience in front-end development using React.
• Experience with web UI technologies - Bootstrap, CSS, SCSS, SASS, CSS-in-JS, ECMAScript.
• UI frontend technologies expertise to develop RWD website.
• Familiarity with browser testing and debugging
• Basic knowledge of RESTful API integration.
• Experience interacting with designs using tools like Figma.
• Experience with Git and GitLab CI/CD.
• A sense of self-motivation and teamwork.
• Enthusiastic about testing and performance.
• Open-minded and willing to learn new tools, technologies, and frameworks to develop clean, testable and maintainable components in ReactJS.
03 / 26 | 已被閱覽 60+ 次 | 1~5 人應徵
3 年以上經驗
03 / 26 | 已被閱覽 60+ 次 | 1~5 人應徵
【Job Content】
1. Work closely with internal teams to inspire, discover, convert, and integrate existing data into customer-facing applications.
2. Survey and track state-of-the-art NLP/RAG algorithms from top conference or journal papers.
3. Have the ability to implement, experiment, and analyze new algorithms independently.
4. Automate, analyze, and visualize experiment results to improve the quality of current products.
1. Proficiency in Python.
2. Solid background in natural language processing (NLP) and large language models (LLM) such as Transformer, LORA, QLORA, RLHF, and DPO.
3. Ability to read and implement the latest algorithms from top conference papers.
4. Strong self-motivation and good communication skills to work with colleagues.
5. Bonus: Having publications in well-known NLP/ML conferences, including but not limited to ACL, EMNLP, KDD, ICML, ICLR, NeurIPS, AAAI, IJCAI.
Note: You DO NOT need to have cybersecurity knowledge or backgrounds (it‘s a plus if you do)
03 / 26 | 已被閱覽 100+ 次 | 1~5 人應徵
03 / 26 | 已被閱覽 100+ 次 | 1~5 人應徵